Official Website for David Nogaki

Your ultimate resource for achieving POWERFUL HEALTH and PEAK PERFORMANCE

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Recent data from the CDC shows that very few people in America died solely from Covid-19. Most had comorbidities, averaging 2.6 per person. Many of these conditions are very much affected by diet and lifestyle. People have taken extreme measures in a neurotic attempt...

Happy To Help

Happy To Help

These guys have had a rough few months which started on Christmas day when there house burned to the ground while they were out at church, tragically taking their family dog with it. Losing all their material possessions, two rental houses later, cancelled sports and...

Collecting Gym Equipment Before Shutdown

Collecting Gym Equipment Before Shutdown

Never in my life did I think I would have to hoard gym equipment but that is where we are. Lucky to have scooped up the last set up number plates and some other basics for home gyms at Gym source the shutdown. Installing pull-up bars and building squat racks out of...

Happy to help out Saint Johns Lacrosse guys today at NYC’s top sports performance center. Good luck tomorrow!

Looking forward to seeing Luke Weiland of West-point get his NCAA ranking of #10 157lb wrestler in the nation back this weekend after 7 weeks missed due to a knee injury. Let’s go Luke!

One of the many components of BKE Integration is visceral balancing. The organs and surrounding fascia can become out of alignment, develop scar tissue and become too “tight” thereby affecting function of the organs and your overall health. Issues with the organs can...

Big shout out to BKE athlete Jon Dugenio for an insane start to his college lacrosse career at Saint Johns Lacrosse